In Barrington there were 15 units sold in August in the price range between $240,000 - $517,499 with an average of 4 bedrooms and 2.3 bathrooms and average Square footage of 2,421SF.
In Barrington there were 9 units sold in August in the price range between $517,500 - $794,998 with an average of 4.6 bedrooms and 3.1 bathrooms and average Square footage of 3,261SF.
In Barrington there were 2 units sold in August in the price range between $794,999 - $832,500 with an average of 4 bedrooms and 3.6 bathrooms and average Square footage of 3,464SF.
The low price range had the the most activity. Homes up to $240,000 - $517,499 were on the market on average 83 days and sold an average of $394,200.
If you are looking for a new home for you and your family, or looking for an investment property, you can't go wrong by getting a prime piece of real estate in Barrington. Search all Barrington homes for Saleon propertyup.com If you are considering viewing Barrington, you may want to do so now!
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