Real Estate In Schaumburg is a sellers’ market with low inventory of homes in Schaumburg and a lot of buyer interest. There is a 4.61 months supply of inventory on the market in Schaumburg on July 31, 2018.

Now is the Time to Sell!
The average market time for a Single Family Homes to sell in Schaumburg last month was 32 days.
It took on average 20 days to sell Schaumburg Condo, Townhouse or a Duplex.
The number of home sales in Schaumburg from June 1, 2018 through June 30, 2018 was 131 units. That is 1% above the number of homes sold last month in Schaumburg.
It took on average 20 days to sell Schaumburg Condo, Townhouse or a Duplex.
The number of home sales in Schaumburg from June 1, 2018 through June 30, 2018 was 131 units. That is 1% above the number of homes sold last month in Schaumburg.
The average price per square foot in the area is now $145/Sq.Ft, which is 30% a decline from last month.

In Schaumburg there were 38 units sold in June in the price range between $100,000 – $175,404 with an average of 1.9 bedrooms and 1.3 bathrooms and average Square footage of 1,068SF.
In Schaumburg there were 87 units sold in June in the price range between $175,405 – $468,158 with an average of 2.9 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and average Square footage of 1,657SF.
In Schaumburg there were 6 units sold in June in the price range between $468,159 – $685,511 with an average of 4.3 bedrooms and 2.8 bathrooms and average Square footage of 3,160SF.
The low price range had the most activity. Homes up to $175,404 were on the market on average 26 days and sold an average of $148,603.

If you are looking for a new home for you and your family, or looking for an investment property, you can’t go wrong by getting a prime piece of real estate in Schaumburg. Search all Schaumburg homes for Sale on propertyup.com If you are considering viewing Schaumburg, you may want to do so now!
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